Marcus Aurelius: Time for US to Get Serious About Setting Everyone Else “Ablaze”? — Sun Tzu Comment

Two articles follow:  one posits a seemingly global anti-US opposition, an Anti-American Network (AAN), and the other posits that political warfare is the answer to the Middle East portion of the problem.  IMHO, both are worth considering.  Further believe that, with respect to Boot & Doran’s approach, (a) coverage needs expansion to cover all the opponents Hirsch posits …

Neal Rauhauser: Turkey – Iran – Saudi Arabia in Conflict

Today’s Tripolar Power Struggle A few days ago I came across a map as part of research intended to expand the current Shia/Sunni labels applied to the Syrian conflict into the regional actors that fuel it. Egypt was given a prominent role that likely dated back to thinking about the United Arab Republic, formed early on …

David Swanson: A Manifesto on the Fraudulent Sequester and “Optional” Laws

  Sequester Optionally Applied Only to Good Things Spending cuts have been applied by Congress to both military and non-military spending. In my view, the military cuts are much too small and the non-military cuts should not exist at all.  In the view of most liberal organizations, the military cuts — like the military spending …

Gordon Duff: Allegations Against Bloomberg (Media) as Israeli PSYOP Outlet

Bloomberg [Media] Caught in “Psyop” Treason Bloomberg [Media] plays hoax against Obama A bizarre Bloomberg story, citing what was represented to be one of the biggest intelligence leaks in US history, hit during the G8 conference and the critical meetings between US President Obama and his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin. The purpose of the story …

Berto Jongman: Security for the Internet of Things — Cars Can Be Hijacked and Used to Murder People — This Matters

Rethinking Security for the Internet of Things by Chris Clearfield Harvard Business Review, June 26, 2013 Cyber attacks, once primarily directed against networks to steal confidential information and wreak virtual havoc, have begun to expand and are now directly affecting the physical world. For example, the recent hacking of the Associated Press’s Twitter account by …

Neal Rauhauser: Arabs, Persians, & Turks

Tripolar Power Struggle? Since I wrote Post-Assad Syria: Turkey’s Perspective this whole problem of sectarian and ethnic divides has been on my mind. I received some guidance after I published the article, basically that the underlying Bipartisan Policy Center paper U.S.-Turkish Cooperation Towards A Post-Assad Syria was not ‘wrong’, but that it was dated, and overly …