Mongoose: Flu Shot Increases COVID-19 Virus Risk & More . . .

Alert Reader flags Dr. Murray online: Does the Flu Shot Increase COVID-19 Risk (YES!) and Other Interesting Questions Does the flu shot increase the risk for coronavirus infection? YES! Could a new flu vaccine be partly responsible for the COVID-19 mortality rate in Italy?  YES! Is the rush to a vaccine the best solution? No, it …

Owl: 32,000+ COVID-19 Articles UNLOCKED

A good example of what is  possible. Humanity wins: our fight to unlock 32,544 COVID-19 articles for the world Phi Beta Iota: Now imagine if ALL knowledge was “unlocked.” And do not celebrate the above — published articles are 1% of written articles which are 1% of what is known. The system is hosed.

Zero Hedge: Six Reasons Covid-19 Fails Sniff Test

Authored by Doug “Uncola” Lynn via, Only one form of contagion travels faster than a virus. And that’s fear. – Dan Brown, Inferno It appears reaction to Coronavirus has wreaked more carnage globally than the virus itself. Although a 2-3% mortality rate is nothing to sneeze at, it’s not exactly a Biblical plague either; even if virtually none of it passes …