Review (Guest): Democracy Incorporated – Managed Democracy and the Specter of Inverted Totalitarianism

Sheldon S. Wolin Editorial Review: Of the many books I’ve read or skimmed in the past seven years that attempted to get inside the social and political debacles of the present, none has had the chilling clarity and historical discernment of Sheldon S. Wolin’s Democracy Incorporated. Building on his fifty years as a political theorist …

George Soros: Eleven Economic Insights + RECAP

11 Timely Insights From George Soros On The Economy Courtney Comstock< Business Insider, 7 August 2011 In the past six months, hedge fund manager George Soros has been an outspoken critic of the economicrecovery.And as the U.S. digests the S&P downgrade, it’s helpful to remember that as Barclays analysts Ajay Rajadhyaksha and Anshul Pradhan put it, …

Review: The Philanthropy of George Soros – Building Open Societies

UPDATE 30 June to add link to Notes on, and Video of George Soros and Aryeh Neier discussing the theme.  See also his full essay online with comment: George Soros Nails It: Intelligence with Integrity Chuck Sudetic 6 Star Special–Soros Out-Grows Broken System, June 24, 2011 On its own merits, without the Foreword from George …

Chuck Spinny on George Will: Pusillanimous Mush

In a 13 February 2011 op-ed column [also attached below], George Will, a self-proclaimed conservative, who by definition must favor adherence to the Accountability and Appropriations Clauses of the Constitution, not to mention the rule of law (for example, the Chief Financial Officers Act of 1990), announced that he has discovered the Pentagon’s bookkeeping shambles! …