Event: 2 Mar Fort Myer VA Pentagon Labyrinth

The anthology’s ten authors bring over 400 years of experience in the military services, weapons design and testing, Pentagon management, budget and cost analysis, defense investigations, journalism, intelligence, military history and congressional national security staff work. You are invited to join us for the release of the printed version of The Pentagon Labyrinth: 10 Short …

Journal: The Wall Street Pentagon Papers–Biggest Scam In World History Exposed–Are The Federal Reserve’s Crimes Too Big To Comprehend?

The Wall Street Pentagon Papers: Biggest Scam In World History Exposed: Are The Federal Reserve’s Crimes Too Big To Comprehend? By David DeGraw The Public Record Dec 10th, 2010 What if the greatest scam ever perpetrated was blatantly exposed, and the US media didn’t cover it? Does that mean the scam could keep going? That’s …

Review (DVD): The Most Dangerous Man in America–Daniel Ellsberg and the Pentagon Papers

Actors: Daniel Ellsberg, Patricia Ellsberg, Tony Russo, Howard Zinn, Hedrick Smith Directors: Judith Ehrlich;Rick Goldsmith Stunningly Relevant Today and Always December 7, 2010 I completely missed the release of this film in July, and stumbled on it while picking movies for a sick son. It opens with Henry Kissinger, since demonstrated to be a war …

Reference: American Tragedy–Another Free Ride for Pentagon

November 23, 2010 The Root Causes of the Defense Budget Mess Another Free Ride for the Pentagon? By FRANKLIN C. SPINNEY Counterpunch http://www.counterpunch.org/spinney11232010.html The Simpson-Bowles Deficit Commission will be reporting out its results in early December. We can expect that it will focus on domestic spending, especially entitlements, including Social Security. By the time the …

Journal: Pentagon Network Attacks–Cloud Truth?

Despite Scare Talk, Attacks on Pentagon Networks Drop By Noah Shachtman WIRED Danger Room October 28, 2010 Listen to the generals speak, and you’d think the Pentagon’s networks were about to be overrun with worms and Trojans. But a draft federal report indicates that the number of “incidents of malicious cyber activity” in the Defense …