Review: They Were Soldiers – How the Wounded Return from America’s Wars: The Untold Story

Ann Jones 5.0 out of 5 stars A necessary book — Gabriel’s trumpet on true cost of war, December 3, 2013 A necessary book. The author has rendered a national — a global — service in documenting the psychological, social, and physical costs of war, costs that surpass the continually astonishing financial cost of war. …

Marcus Aurelius: War Games Test 2 Versions of US Army — Current and Planned Army Loses Big, Innovation Army Triumphs

War game compares response of 2 versions of future Army By Lance M. Bacon Staff writer Army Times, Nov. 25, 2013 – 06:00AM A reduced reliance on airfields and seaports in a recent war game resulted in increased speed and entry operations. New Gear: What’s next If necessity is the mother of invention, get ready …

Jon Rappoport: USG Ends Rule of Law for Vaccine Malpractice

The vaccine mafia and its jury of thugs: your rulers by Jon Rappoport November 6, 2013 I’ve written several articles on this subject. As vaccine supporters, enthusiasts, liars, and poisoners keep showing up, I’m sure I’ll write several more. Here’s the drill. If a parent believes her child has developed autism as the result …

David Swanson: Martin O’Malley and the Poisoning of the Children of Baltimore

Baltimore’s poorer neighborhoods have been dealing with Martin O’Malley for years and years, as I can recall from when I worked in ACORN’s national office and heard all about the trouble this man was from our Maryland chapter.  O’Malley, once mayor of Baltimore and now governor of Maryland, may run for president of the United …

Seena Sharp: Fishing for New Customers [Not Something the Traditional Intelligence Communities Have Ever Considered]

Fishing For New Customers Nearly every product or service has the potential to sell to multiple target audiences, but most companies focus only on their core customers. Isn’t it time to play the field a little? Back in the 1980s, Plano plastic tackle boxes were a must for fishing enthusiasts. When game show hostess Vanna …