Berto Jongman Et Al: Syria Round-Up 7.4

NEW IN BOLD 4th Media:  AP Sources: CIA Delivering Light Weapons to Syria 4th Media: Preempting The Next Round of Lies Against Syria Berto Jongman: 10,000 Foreign Fighters in Syria Berto Jongman: Agreement on Destruction of Syrian CW Berto Jongman: Brown Moses on Chemical Munitions Berto Jongman: Developments on the Ground in Syria Berto Jongman: FBI files …

Berto Jongman Et Al: Syria Round-Up 5.1

Berto Jongman: CIA Fabrication of Evidence Berto Jongman: Critical Analysis of Obama Speech on Syria Berto Jongman: Expert Views on Russian Proposal Berto Jongman: Hearing on US Domestic Implications of Syria Confrontation Berto Jongman: Israeli Bio-Chemical Program and Capabilities Berto Jongman: Porter on Cherrypicking Intelligence Berto Jongman: Rebels and Chemical Weapons in Syria Berto Jongman: Syria …

Chuck Spinney: Thoughts on Obama’s March to Folly in Syria

President Obama’s Syria nightmare is becoming increasingly bizarre.  The man who claimed he could distinguish dumb from smart wars is marching headlong into the dumbest one yet, with allies jumping ship left and right.  Consider, please, the following: (1) NBC just released a poll saying a majority of the American people are opposed to another …

4th Media Et Al: USA and Syria — Perfidy? Rebels Admit Culpability!

Another US War: A Way to Hastily Cover Evidence that the West Used Chemical Weapons against Syrian Children Another US War Crime in the Making in SYRIA: RUSSIA and CHINA Have Been Extremely Careless in Dealings with US Déjà vu and Syrian Chemical Weapons In Rush to Strike Syria, U.S. Tried to Derail U.N. Probe …