Robert Steele: Repensando la Inteligencia Nacional – Siete falsas premisas

Robert David Steele Vivas : Es fundador de Open Source Solutions Network, Earth Intelligence Network y la Revista Journal of Public Intelligence. Steele, ex agente de la CIA, es reconocido mundialmente como pionero de la inteligencia colectiva, así como también, por ser el primero en denunciar que la CIA y los servicios de inteligencia norteamericanos …

John Steiner: Working Families Party – 25 Years of Very Hard Work About to See Positive Effect?

Thanks to: Billy Wimsatt I found myself really moved reading this long-form piece on Dan Cantor and the roots and growth of the Working Families Party. Although I love WFP, consider Dan a friend, and have heard him rant often and at length about the WFP’s strategy, I didn’t know half the stuff in this …

Andy Piascik: “OBAMACARE” and the Bogus Health Care Debate

“OBAMACARE” AND THE BOGUS HEALTH CARE DEBATE The biggest secret of politics in the United States is that a majority of the population is to the left of both major parties. This can be amply demonstrated by comparing public opinion on a host of issues to the policies pushed by corporate and political elites. Whether …

4th Media: Finding a New Level of Democratic Empowerment in Malaysia: The Village Consultative Committee

Finding a New Level of Democratic Empowerment in Malaysia: The Village Consultative Committee (Editor’s note: A paper presented to the International Forum on Malaysia 50 Years On: Expectation Vs. Reality,1 BORNEO GRAND BALLROOM; Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia on 5th October, 2013] Introduction Malaysian society has been preoccupied with political discussion since the electoral ’tsunami’ of …

4th Media: EXPOSED – Thai “Independent” Newspaper Funded by US Government [Good Intentions, Rotten Incoherent Conops]

EXPOSED: Indy “Newspaper” Funded by US Government Deep network uncovered as fake “indy” rag is forced to disclose funding. Note: A copy of Prachatai’s recent disclosure can be found here. Editor’s Addition: A conflict of interest occurs “when an individual or organization is involved in multiple interests, one of which could possibly corrupt the motivation for …

Max Manwaring: Translating Lessons Learned in Colombia and Other Wars Among the People: Confronting the Spectrum of 21st Century Conflict

Translating Lessons Learned in Colombia and Other Wars Among the People: Confronting the Spectrum of 21st Century Conflict by Max G. Manwaring Translating Lessons Learned in Colombia and Other Wars Among the People: Confronting the Spectrum of 21st Century Conflict Small Wars Journal, 27 August 2013 Beyond Afghanistan, we must define our effort not as …