Answers: Robert Steele to Kevjn Lim on Big Data

Kevjn Lim is an independent writer and Middle East foreign policy analyst at Open Briefing: The Civil Society Intelligence Agency. In the latter half of 2013, he was Turkey representative for the Syria Needs Analysis Project (SNAP), covering the Syrian crisis in the northern governorates and Turkey. From 2007-2011, he served as delegate with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in …

Patrick Meier: Learning from Conservation UAV Campaigns — with Comment on 21st Century Neighborhood Watch, Alternative ISR, Citizen Intelligence

What Humanitarians Can Learn from Conservation UAVs I recently joined my fellow National Geographic Emergency Explorer colleague Shah Selbe on his first expedition of SoarOcean, which seeks to leverage low-cost UAVs for Ocean protection. Why did I participate in an expedition that seemingly had nothing to do with humanitarian response? Because the conservation space is well …

Owl: Alternative Media is Winning — on 9/11 and More…

Alternative Media is Winning Is the tide finally turning, is the public becoming better informed despite the 24 hour-a-day propaganda onslaught of mainstream media produced by the 1%? It seems so, as this article implies that for the scions of the Establishment and the 1% and their propaganda organs to turn their attention to alternative …

Marcus Aurelius: Sgt Bergdahl a Deserter Aiding Taliban?

Invite your attention to message below.  Then, invite your attention to what’s at the link contained within the message: 1. Bergdahl father tweet, apparently now removed. 2. Below tweet, message from a Dan Witmer, who asserts to have been colleague Bowe Bergdahl and further asserts SGT Bowe departed camp with knife, compass, and water, found gaps …

Nafeez Ahmed: Inclusive Capitalism an Empty Public Relations Campaign?

Inclusive Capitalism Initiative is Trojan Horse to quell coming global revolt Henry Jackson Society’s pre-emptive PR offensive seeks to popularise parasitic economic growth for the few Yesterday’s Conference on Inclusive Capitalism co-hosted by the City of London Corporation and EL Rothschild investment firm, brought together the people who control a third of the world’s liquid …

Review: Governing the Commons: The Evolution of Institutions for Collective Action (Political Economy of Institutions and Decisions)

Elinor Ostrom 5.0 out of 5 stars 6 Star Collective Common Sense Relevant to CYBER-Commons Not Just Earth Commons, May 27, 2014 I read this book shortly after I had read Stop, Thief!: The Commons, Enclosures, and Resistance (Spectre) and my first impression is that the book should be re-issued in 2015, a quarter-century after …