Mini-Me: Libya-US Ambassador Dies; Syria-Covert Flops; 9/11-Ready to Pop?

Huh? U.S. Ambassador to Libya Is Killed Meanwhile, Mali destabilized out of Libya. YouTube (13:14)  The Big Lie & Dirty War on Syria: the Foreign Subversive Army Massacres its Human Shields in Daraya Meanwhile, Iraq and Afghanistan implode and Israel gets ready to strike Iran. Falling Man of 9/11 Still Demands Justice It was Carl …

Search: ecological degradation

The better search term is Environmental Degradation, as this is officially the #3 high-level threat to humanity, after poverty and infectious disease.  Ecological Economics, also known as True Cost Economics, is the term used to actually understand environmental degradation in detail. Phi Beta Iota search on Environmental Degradation Google search on “Environmental Degradation” source=phibetaiota A …

Mini-Me: Marine Officer on 9/11 – The Anomalies Continue to Surface

Huh? Phi Beta Iota:  As President Barack Obama faces what David Gergen calls one of three “choice” or turning point elections in modern US history, one has to wonder where he stands on the subject of the truth.  Below the line is a methodical review with many links from retired Marine Corps officer Jim Fetzer, …

Patrick Meier: Innovation and the State of the Humanitarian System + RECAP

Innovation and the State of the Humanitarian System Published by ALNAP, the 2012 State of the Humanitarian System report is an important evaluation of the humanitarian community’s efforts over the past two years. “I commend this report to all those responsible for planning and delivering life saving aid around the world,” writes UN Under-Secretary General Valerie …

Review: Waging Nonviolent Struggle – 20th Century Practice And 21st Century Potential

Gene Sharp 5.0 out of 5 stars Foundation Work Not Yet Appreciated,August 28, 2012 In 1992 I was the second-ranking civilian in Marine Corps intelligence, and with the support of the Marine Corps, sought to get National Intelligence Topics moved from denied areas that were few in number and declining in importance, toward “low-intensity” threats …