Robert Steele: UNHINGED — Two Books on Terror Reviewed (Rebuttal, a Book of Lies & Broken!, Truth as Fiction)

UNHINGED: American Terror, Torture, & Treason SHORT URL: Robert David Steele PDF (5 Pages): UNHINGED TORTURE as published with cover matter Rebuttal: The CIA Responds to the Senate Intelligence Committee’s Study of Its Detention and Interrogation Program by Porter Goss et al, Naval Institute Press, 352 pp., £14.99, September, ISBN 978 1 591 14587 …

Berto Jongman: ISIS Terrorist Financing – Not As Reported, Some Useful Nuances

The Archivist: Unseen Islamic State Financial Accounts for Deir az-Zor Province Figures in the documents help us to quantify IS financing. From IS’ richest province in fossil fuels, revenues and expenditures for the province come in the form of millions of dollars on a monthly basis, not tens or hundreds of millions. As can be …

Owl: TPP A Coup, 23-Count Indictment of TPP as High Crimes and Misdemeanors, UnConstitutional, What’s Not to Like?

TPP: A Bloodless Coup Imposing Tyranny May be Near Upon Us [2015] Richard Martin, an Internet financial radio pundit, sent the text below, written by Joe Firestone, to those on his email list. Note Martin’s key take-away comment on this text: “The governing functions of the TPP regime would not be exercised with the consent …