Gordon Duff: Independent Report Contradicts Western Portrait of Syria

Independent Report Contradicts Western Portrait of Syria Arab League Report Shows that Syria Has Been Mischaracterized While the Western media act like the Syrian government is wantonly and indiscriminately killing its own people without provocation, an independent investigation has found a different reality on the ground. Specifically, over 160 monitors from the Arab League – …

Paul Craig Roberts: Attacking Iran, Spending Money, Losing All

Will Iran Be Attacked? Washington has made tremendous preparations for a military assault on Iran. There is speculation that Washington has called off its two longest running wars–Iraq and Afghanistan–in order to deploy forces against Iran. Two of Washington’s fleets have been assigned to the Persian Gulf along with NATO warships. Missiles have been spread …

Review: Leverage – How Cheap Money Will Destroy the World

Karl Denninger STRONG FIVE – Original, Award-Winning, Major Contribution, February 5, 2012 On the very last page of the book I learn that the author received the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award for Grassroots Journalism, for his coverage of the 2008 market meltdown. This confirms my own already formed very high estimation of the …

Gary North: Administrative Law (New World Order) versus Democracy (Live Free or Die)

The Crucial Pillar of the New World Order by Gary North LouRockwell.com, February 4, 2012 One of the most alluring temptations that face men is the desire to enter the inner ring. C. S. Lewis wrote a wonderful essay with this title. It should be part of every person’s rite of passage into adulthood. The desire to …

Eagle: Call for Internet “Quality Control” aka Quash Dissent

Columnist Calls for Internet “Quality Control” to Quash Dissent Michael Tennant New American, 25 January 2012 Do you think anthropogenic global warming is a hoax? Are you unconvinced that your ancestors had more in common with Cheetah than with Tarzan? Have you any doubts about the official version of how 9/11 went down? Then you, …

Eagle: How the Public Schools Keep Your Child a Prisoner of the State

How the Public Schools Keep Your Child a Prisoner of the State Karen De Coster LewRockwell.com, 31 January 2012 Public education, in its current state, is based on the idea that government is the “parent” best equipped to provide children with the values and wisdom required to grow into intelligent, functional adults. To echo what …

Gordon Duff: Roadmap to Reconstructing America or Reagan – Bush Crime of the Century?

Roadmap to Redressing Economic Terrorism in America Gordon Duff Veterans Today, 28 January 2012 We Weren’t Going to Stay Stupid Forever When the Cold War ended, a secret fund planned for by President Ronald Reagan had been set aside to rebuild America, pay off the national debt and reward Americans for decades of sacrifice.  This …