NIGHTWATCH: General Flynn’s First Big Decision – Warning is Back at DIA – With Three Specific Suggestions from Robert Steele

General Mike Flynn’s First Big Decision Introduction to Strategic Intelligence Warning. DIA has announced that reconstitution of Indications and Warning is a key component of its five year plan. Warning failures associated with the Arab Spring were cited as prompting this rediscovery of old truths. Bravo to DIA for remembering that warning is the foundation …

David Isenberg: President Wants What IC Cannot Give – With Comment by Robert Steele

President Obama Wants Smartphones, Tablets To Improve Intel Monitoring: Sez Head of White House Communications Agency WASHINGTON: When the Presidential Daily Briefing occurs, a top intelligence official traditionally hands the president a folder with a sheaf of paper inside. The president may read what’s inside or have it presented by the intelligence official. Then comes …

The Daily Journalist: Romney and Obama does it matter?

Recently a few people have blamed Obama for his lack of leadership and ability of breaking short lived promises. Critics mostly point financial and health care issues as a result of his political failure. Truth is the Bailout of 08, was a mixture of wild capitalism, corporate decision makers, and no government regulations. Thanks to …

Search: future of osint

For reasons unknown to us, Google search with source=phibetaiota are superior to internal Word Press searches. Here are top three hits using the above formula. Search: The Future of OSINT [is M4IS2-Multinational] Open Source Agency: Executive Access Point OSINT Generic (Category Table at Phi Beta Iota) OSINT is passe.  Governments and vendors to government have …

Reflections on Data as the New Oil BUT No One Is Serious About Holistic Analytics, True Cost Economics, Machine or Man-Machine Translation, or M4IS2

It is fashionable now to talk about data as the new oil (or dirt), and to proclaim breathlessly that the ever-increasing masses of data allow for ever more wonderous things to be done including my personal favorite, situational awareness. However, no one is yet serious about holistic analytics (which also implies a holistic collection management …

Steve Wheeler: Learning with ‘e’s – Education funnels and webs of learning

Learning with ‘e’s: Education funnels and webs of learning There has been a lot of discussion recently about the personalisation of education. The sticking point is that most education is publicly funded, the state has a major stake in how it’s conducted, and therefore dictates what should be taught in schools. […] by Steve Wheeler …