Reference: Strategic Analytic Model for Creating a Prosperous World at Peace

Robert David Steele Recovering spy, serial pioneer for open and public intelligence – – – – – – – Posted: October 14, 2010 06:40 PM Strategic Analytic Model for Creating a Prosperous World at Peace Click on Title to Read at Huffington Post and Make Comments. EDIT of 10 Dec 10 to add missing links …

Worth a Look: The New Capitalist Manifesto

The Worst Trade in the World It’s often said that America’s an uncompetitive economy–unable to produce stuff that satisfies global demand. Hence, a yawning current account deficit. I’d say the reality’s harsher. America’s caught in a toxic, self-destructive relationship with the globe’s second most significant economy. In short, it’s making the worst trade in the …

Journal: Smoke, Mirrors, and Hades Burning on the Hill

This is a great example of the kind of gaming that keeps defense budgets high.  Kudos to Winslow Wheeler for smoking it out. On Dec 3, 2010, at 7:56 AM, Winslow Wheeler wrote: In a midnight switch, the Deficit Commission changed the dividing line between discretionary spending elements.  Was 050 (DOD,DOE, Misc.) versus the rest; …

Journal: Can’t Get No Satisfaction from US Intelligence Community…

Dowd says it pretty well. My guess is that because CIA connsiders ISI an “asset”, they insist that no one including themsleves target the ISI. This of course means that ISI can continue using CIA and the U.S. as pawns in thier undeclared cold war against India. Op-Ed Columnist The Great Game Imposter By MAUREEN …

Search: China Fake Gold + Fraud RECAP

2004 Seagrave (US/FR) Interview with Sterling and Peggy Seagrave on Gold Warriors: America’s Secret Recovery of Yamashita’s Gold Journal: $750 Billion Wall Street Scam, Russian Anger, Chinese Intent, We are NOT Making This Up! Journal: Banks’ Foreclosure ‘Robo-Signers’ Were Hair Stylists, Teens, Walmart Workers–Lawsuit Journal: China May Demand Physical Gold Journal: Chuck Spinney Highlights Labor …