Tom Atlee: Corporations and the Sharing Economy

Corporations meeting the challenge of the sharing economy…? Corporate business plans and market control are being challenged by the expansion of the sharing economy and its “collaborative consumption”. Some corporations are ignoring the challenge. Some are fighting it. Some are creatively joining it. All these responses add up to a complex and rapidly evolving economic …

Tom Atlee: Rachel Naomi Remen on Wholeness Among Us and With World

Rachel Naomi Remen offers a story about how wholeness became embedded in the world, waiting for us to call it forth.  I explore different dynamics of wholeness and how it relates to being agents of healing and transformation – including the power of disturbance to evoke grace. Wholeness moving in us and the world Tom …

Tom Atlee: Nothing to Hide? NSA Can Still Strip Search You Electronically…

Navigating a Web where “nothing to hide” doesn’t help you or democracy be safe Having nothing to hide is no guarantee of avoiding trouble due to NSA surveillance, which can create an environment of fear, a suppression of cultural creativity, and opportunities for politically targeted suppression, generally degrading democracy.  The erosion of privacy can be …

Tom Atlee: A Difference of View — Top Down Control of Unstable Bottom, or Bottom-Up Renaissance of Capitalism and Democracy?

The Guardian UK reports that the US and other militaries are preparing for major domestic disorder stimulated by climate, energy, and economic crises. NSA surveillance is part of that.  This shoring up of power-over from the top calls for our rapid development of power-with from below. Ramping up the two big Powers The report below …

Tom Atlee: Doing Democracy Differently

Doing democracy differently In Is Democracy in Trouble? E.J. Dionne describes major studies suggesting that “Across most of the democratic world, there is an impatience bordering on exhaustion with electoral systems and political classes” because governments don’t follow the will of “the people”. It would be one thing if governments made wiser decisions than what “the …