Jean Lievens: Wikinomic Innovation Redux – World Upside Down

Hothouse innovation redux: The world “upside down” Recently The Economist released a feature report on how innovation in emerging markets may be eclipsing innovation in North America. The report, The world turned upside down (click “Buy PDF” for a complimentary copy courtesy of BASF) reinforces the fact that globalization and disruptive innovation is no longer …

Jean Lievens: How the 99% Are Using Lateral Power to Create a Global Revolution

How the 99% Are Using Lateral Power to Create a Global Revolution It’s happened before, in 1848 and in 1968. The youth of the world took to the streets to protest the injustices of autocratic political regimes and rapacious business interests and to demand the most basic human right to participate as equal citizens in …

SchwartzReport: Six Specifics That Make Denmark the Happiest (and Perhaps the Most Productive) Nation on Earth

Lo and behold when a society is ordered on wellness and not just profit, as is the case in Denmark, we can see what results — wellness, happiness. So why aren’t we doing this? Denmark Is the Happiest Country on Earth! You’ll Never Guess Why AlterNet (U.S.) Last month, Denmark was crowned the happiest country …

SchwartzReport: Celibacy Syndrome in Japan — An End to Skin on Skin, Heart to Heart?

This is an extraordinary trend going on in Japan. It is a very clear example of how national beingness is shaped through unnumbered small seemingly mundane choices made by individuals. Why Have Young People in Japan Stopped Having Sex? Abigail Haworth – The Guardian/Observer (U.K.) Ai Aoyama is a sex and relationship counsellor who works …

Review (Guest): The Nearly Free University and the Emerging Economy: The Revolution in Higher Education

Charles Hugh Smith Publisher’s Overview: With the soaring cost of higher education, has the value a college degree been turned upside down. College tuition and fees are up 1000% since 1980. Half of all recent college graduates are jobless or underemployed, revealing a deep disconnect between higher education and the job market. It is no …

Eagle: The Financial System Does Not Just Enable Theft, IT IS THEFT

The Financial System Doesn’t Just Enable Theft, It Is Theft It’s not just inflation that is theft. Charles Hugh Smith Of Two Minds, 31 July 2013 It is painfully self-evident that our financial system doesn’t just enable theft, it is theft by nature and design. If you doubt this, please follow along.Inflation is theft, but …