SchwartzReport: Market Basket — Board Fires Progressive CEO, Boomers Go on Strike to Reinstate — Mutuality Economics from the Bottom-Up

This is a lovely story of how capitalism could be run. It illustrates very clearly the difference between the vampire capitalism that dominates our economy, and the compassionate capitalism we could have. Market Basket: The Return of Boomer Activism LAUREN STILLER RIKLEEN – Forbes Workers at the Market Basket supermarket chain just successfully undertook a …

Owl: Ebola Eugenics, Ebola Profits, Ebola Contagion at US Summit?

Ebola: Has the Great Cull Begun Using the 21rst Century’s Spanish Flu? In a recent post that Wayne Madsen has since removed, he answered this question affirmatively – that Ebola is the chosen agent by the Elite to achieve their population reductions goals. Even if one has doubts about such a theory, everything expressed in …

Don Sagar: Eden Project – The Underlying Cause

The Underlying Cause The World is beset with endless problems. Some appear more imminent than others. What escapes most is that all are inextricably linked. This makes determining priority a source of migraines. Does one throw their efforts behind stabilizing the World’s economic system, containing weapons of war, influencing population growth, restricting the genetic manipulation …

2014 Robert Steele On Defense Intelligence – Seven Strikes

On Defense Intelligence: Seven Strikes I consider defense intelligence today to be incoherent and ineffective. It has no grasp of the totality of the threat; it is largely worthless in providing SecDef with evidence-based decision support relevant to strategy, policy, acquisition, and operations; and it does not help DoD within the Cabinet when decision-support is …

2014 Answers: Robert Steele to Adam Hudson on USG IT Innovation & Geospatial

Adam Hudson is a journalist, writer, and photographer. He was born in Oakland, California and raised in Pittsburg/Bay Point, California, a multiethnic working-class suburb in the East Bay Area. He graduated from Stanford University in 2010 with a BA in International Relations and a minor in Middle Eastern Languages, Literatures and Cultures, focusing on the Arabic …

INTERVIEW: TheDailyBell Grills Robert Steele

Former CIA Spy Robert Steele Wants to Strangle Leviathan With ‘Open Source’ Governance With Anthony Wile TheDailyBell– June 29, 2014 The Daily Bell is pleased to present this exclusive interview with Robert Steele SHORT URL: