Berto Jongman: Food Security Index & Map 2013

Food security in 75% of African countries at high or extreme risk – Maplecroft global index ‘Arab Awakening’ countries at increased risk from 2013 food price shocks 10/10/2012 Despite strong economic growth, food security remains an issue of primary importance for Africa, according to a new study by risk analysis company Maplecroft, which classifies 75% …

Gold Transformer: Screw the 99% – Let’s Shift Inflation to Medical, Rent, Education, Food, and Communications – QE3 Of, By, and For the 1%

When it costs more to be poor – Fed and government shifting inflation onto rent, medical care, and food. QE3 to widen the gap between the poor and the wealthy. Inflation has been picking up since the recession ended in 2009.  The problem with the CPI increasing year over year with no rise in household …

Owl: Between April and June 2012 more Americans were added to the food stamp program than found jobs…

Between April and June 2012 more Americans were added to the food stamp program than found jobs. An alarming data point from the minority side of the Senate Budget Committee: More Americans are being added to food stamps than are finding jobs. The data is detailed in this chart, provided by the committee: As the …

Tom Atlee: Emerging EcoNomics #4: Community revolution growing with food

  Emerging EcoNomics #4: Community revolution growing with food Dear friends, The remarkable article below speaks for itself and, since it is long, I won’t add much except strong encouragement for you to read it and a note that you can productively and enjoyably jump around in it (as I did) if you’d rather not …

John Steiner: Genetic Foods – Transparency, Truth, & Trust versus Tyranny, Toxicity, & Theft

Genetic Engineers Explain Why GE Food Is Dangerous Nation of Change, Sunday 24 June 2012 One of the report¹s authors, Dr. Michael Antoniou of King¹s College London School of Medicine in the UK, uses genetic engineering for medical applications but warns against its use in developing crops for human food and animal feed. Aren¹t critics …

Reference: NUCLEAR FAMINE – A BILLION PEOPLE AT RISK Global Impacts of Limited Nuclear War on Agriculture, Food Supplies, and Human Nutrition + Eugenics RECAP

NUCLEAR FAMINE: A BILLION PEOPLE AT RISK Global Impacts of Limited Nuclear War on Agriculture, Food Supplies, and Human Nutrition Ira Helfand, MD International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War Physicians for Social Responsibility Credits and Acknowledgements The publication of this briefing paper was made possible thanks to the generous financial support of the …