Tom Atlee: TPP & Fast Track Toxic to Democracy — Call for Action

Act now re TPP and Fast Track (toxic to democracy) This month the US Congress could pass legislation that would make sure that complex trade agreements favored by multinational corporations – like the TransPacific Partnership (TPP) – would be pushed through Congress with little debate and little information provided to the public. This so-called “fast-track” …

John Danaher: Rule by Algorithm? Big Data and the Threat of Algocracy

Rule by Algorithm? Big Data and the Threat of Algocracy An increasing number of people are worried about the way in which our data is being mined by governments and corporations. One of these people is Evgeny Morozov. In an article that appeared in the MIT Technology Review back in October 2013, he argued that …

Chuck Spinney: Two Evaluations of Middle East After Arab Spring

Attached below are two very important reports by two of the most astute observers of conflicts in the Middle East.  The first is a precisely-focused report by Rami Khouri, editor at large of Lebanon’s Daily Star.  Khouri analyzes how the recent assassination of Mohamad Chatah needs to be interpreted in the context of complexities of …

Jonas E. Alexis: Religious Counterintelligence — Was Freud a Zionist Subversive?

Sigmund Freud, Psychoanalysis, and the War on the West “We are bringing them the plague.” —Sigmund Freud, on his way to America in 1909[1] Like Carl Jung, Sigmund Freud did not base psychoanalysis, which he championed to the entire Western world, on scientific premises. When psychoanalysis came to America, it was largely viewed as an …

NIGHTWATCH: China — Analytic Breakdown of Third Plenary

China: On 12 November, the Third plenary meeting of the 18 Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party concluded its four days of deliberations and issued a communique. Many analysts and commentators have published their views of the meaning and implications of the many topics covered in the communique. The more superficial have focused on …

Marcus Aurelius: Gala for CINCSOC Brings Out Many Failures

Without comment.  PBI should assign appropriate headline. Washington’s Intelligence Community Comes Out For a Gala “Spy” Prom The annual OSS Society Donovan Award dinner honored Adm. William H. McRaven By Carol Ross Joynt Washingtonian “Capital Comment,” 28 October 2013 No one in the ballroom came right out and shouted, “William McRaven for elected office!” but …

John Steiner: From Sanity Central on NSA and the Surveillance State

“The potential of the surveillance  state goes way beyond anything in George Orwell’s 1984, (said Guardian Editor) Alan Rusbridger . ‘Orwell could never have imagined this concept of scooping up everything all the time’. The NSA stories were ‘clearly’ not about totalitarianism, but an infrastructure had been created that could be dangerous if it fell …