Robert Parry: The War-Mongering Kagans….

The Kagans Are Back; Wars to Follow The neocon royalty Kagans are counting on Democrats and liberals to be the foot soldiers in the new neocon campaign to push Republicans and President Trump into more “regime change” wars, reports Robert Parry.

Yoda: Empire Committing Suicide — Political Suicide, Foreign Policy Suicide, Military Suicide

The Empire Should be Placed on Suicide Watch The Saker, Unz Review, 12 March 2017 I would even argue that the Empire is pursuing a full-spectrum policy of self-destruction on several distinct levels, with each level contributing the overall sum total suicide. Political suicide: the Neocons’ refusal to accept the election of Donald Trump has …

Norrie Huddle: Charles Hugh Smith on The Conflict within the Deep State Just Broke Into Open Warfare

The Conflict within the Deep State Just Broke into Open Warfare The battle raging in the Deep State isn’t just a bureaucratic battle–it’s a war for the soul, identity and direction of the nation. I have long suggested that the tectonic plates of the Deep State are shifting as the ruling consensus has eroded. Some elements …

Eric Zuesse: US Lies About Crimea — Truth Helps

Things Will Get Worse Until US Stops Lying About Crimea Unless the U.S. government’s lies about Crimea — the ‘Russia seized Crimea’ narratives — become acknowledged to be lies, war between the U.S. and Russia can only continue to become increasingly likely, because the world is sliding toward World War III based upon these lies, and will therefore inevitably …

ZeroHedge: How 4Chan McFooled John McCain, Buzzfeed, and the CIA Into Believing Trump’s Golden Showers UPDATE 3

How 4Chan McFooled John McCain, Buzzfeed, and the CIA Into Believing Trump’s Golden Showers I know this appears to be unbelievable, but it’s all verifiable. The neocon shill of a reporter from Buzzfeed, Rick Wilson, was catfished by some autist from the Hitler loving 4chan message boards and made to believe Trump enjoyed getting urinated …