Robert Steele: Will the US and French Armies Be Key to Taking Down the Deep State?

The shadow foreign minister of France sent me the below headline, asking what I thought. I told him that while we all know that Sorcha Faal is a fabrication shop with one David Booth behind the scenes, that I and my editors value Sorcha Faal because the links are always real and useful, and the …

Yoda: Who Q? NeonRevolt Offers Overview

Good, is this. Every word, read please. Who is QAnon? An Introduction to the QAnon Phenomenon #QAnon #GreatAwakening Includes overview, top 15 Q posts. GOOD is about to TRIUMPH over evil in a major way, and it will be like nothing we have ever experienced before. Welcome to the QAnon. Welcome to the Great Awakening.

Wayne Jett: Trump Can Save Capitalism By Ending Federal Reserve and Mercantilism (Throw in a Balanced Budget and a Gold-Backed Dollar For Best Results)

RETURN TO CAPITALISM End the Fed and TBTF Banks …capitalism lost much of its role in America when the global ruling elite got their privately owned Federal Reserve in 1913 and imposed the Great Depression beginning in October, 1929. Since then, mercantilism has ruled economic affairs in the U. S. and the world. But now, …

Robert Steele: Peace in the Middle East – Denuclearizing Israel, Restoring Palestine, and More (Trump Revolution 30)

Peace in the Middle East Denuclearizing Israel, Restoring Palestine, and More Robert David Steele Russian International Affairs Council 18 May 2018 Everybody has this wrong – Trump is not bluffing and he is not Netanyahu’s puppet. What has really happened here is that Xi, Trump, and Putin agreed over a year ago to take down …

Owl: Trump Did It Again – The Real Story on Syria False Flag – Missile Attack II

Yes! Trump did it Again! And a Disinfo Op Uncovered! #NewQ #QAnon #GreatAwakening Phi Beta Iota: Hugely good job of collating past and present information.  Trump split the EU, isolated Germany, and collaborated with Russia and Syria to set stage for US withdrawal.  Superb screen shots from Q et al.  Worthy of a close read …