Owl: Why Has Qatar Spent $3B on Syrian Rebels? And Saudi Arabia? And Why Does Russia Want Syria to Stick “As Is”? Natural Gas!

“Why has the little nation of Qatar spent 3 billion dollars to support the rebels in Syria? Could it be because Qatar is the largest exporter of liquid natural gas in the world and Assad won’t let them build a natural gas pipeline through Syria? Of course. Qatar wants to install a puppet regime in …

Berto Jongman: US Intelligence Missed Signs of WMD Attack? Or Just Now Leveraging Fabricated Israeli or Saudi-Concocted “Intercepts”?

US spies missed signs of Aug. 21 Syrian WMD Strike By KIMBERLY DOZIER Associated Press, 4 September 2013 WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. intelligence agencies did not detect the Syrian regime readying a massive chemical weapons attack in the days ahead of the strike, only piecing together what had happened after the fact, U.S. officials say. …

Owl: Syrian False-Flag Gas Attacks Evidence Crucifies Saudi Arabia

Syrian False-Flag Gas Attacks Evidence This page from the Alex Jones site is a must-see, offering a remarkable compilation of 7 separate videos from Arabic sources showing evidence of non-Syrian government entities involved on the gas attack of Syrian civilians. “With the assistance of former PLO member and native Arabic-speaker Walid Shoebat, WND has assembled …

4th Media: Saudis Pour Money Into Militants

Saudi Rulers Pour Money Into Arming Militants in Region If Saudi rulers had more brains, they might be formidably dangerous. Even with lackluster intelligence assets, they are already causing enough havoc and bloodshed across the Middle East and North Africa regions, pouring millions-of-dollars-worth of weaponry into Al Qaeda and other Takfiri networks that are destroying …

SmartPlanet: Sourced Products, Rating Everything, Saudi’s Spending Billions on Oil-Free Rail

Forget ‘fast fashion’. How about apparel with an ethical pedigree? In Zady-land, style rules — but so does a well-edited closet, containing carefully sourced apparel. . . . . . . . What technology has wrought: the rise of the ‘rateocracy’ Technology may increase corporate transparency overnight, in a way that decades of laws and …

Neal Rauhauser: Turkey – Iran – Saudi Arabia in Conflict

Today’s Tripolar Power Struggle A few days ago I came across a map as part of research intended to expand the current Shia/Sunni labels applied to the Syrian conflict into the regional actors that fuel it. Egypt was given a prominent role that likely dated back to thinking about the United Arab Republic, formed early on …