Arno Reuser: 27-29 JAN The Hague OSINT Pathfinder VII Training Program

ROBERT STEELE: Arnold Reuser is the undisputed master. He is one of a  tiny handful of people (Ran Hock, Babette Bensoussan are others) who actually know what they are doing and are also ethical in the deepest sense of the word. I cannot over-state his value. OSINT Pathfinder VII training programme Full three day training …

Worth a Look: OSINT Training by Bazzell

Ted Swift, a fan of Michael Bazzell’s offerings, has brought Mike’s online front page to our attention, and urged us to share it. One can sign up for a free OSINT newsletter and receive a 75 minute video on exploiting Facebook. There are other offerings. Certainly worth a look. OSINT Training by Michael Bazzell

Review: Constructing Cassandra – Reframing Intelligence Failure at the CIA, 1947-2001

Milo Jones and Philippe Silberzahn 5.0 out of 5 stars Charming, Recommended for Students, August 20, 2014 I found this book, a gift, to be charming and useful. It should certainly be used as a textbook at the national intelligence university and other mainstream schools. I consider this book a hybrid, one that integrates an …

Robert Steele: Repensando la Inteligencia Nacional – Siete falsas premisas

Robert David Steele Vivas : Es fundador de Open Source Solutions Network, Earth Intelligence Network y la Revista Journal of Public Intelligence. Steele, ex agente de la CIA, es reconocido mundialmente como pionero de la inteligencia colectiva, así como también, por ser el primero en denunciar que la CIA y los servicios de inteligencia norteamericanos …

Reflections: Policy Makers and Social Science — Distant & Lacking Value-Added Decision-Support

Carnegie and the Stimson Center are exploring the distant and largely dysfunctional relationship between policy makers and the social sciences. This is an important topic that could usefully be expanded to explore the similar distance between government and the other information tribes.* Below are two seminal references in this area. Carnegie Stimson National Security Programs …

Mini-Me: Palantir’s OSINT Demo + Palantir & All-Source Workstation Round-Up

Huh? OSINT Analysis of Sudan and South Sudan In this session, we will demonstrate how Palantir can draw from a plethora of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) data sources (including academic research, blogs, news media, NGO reports and United Nations studies) to rapidly construct an understanding of the conflict underlying this somewhat anomalous 21st Century event. …

Jean Lievens: What We Need in NextGen Social Network – The Next Web (Facebook Is For Grandparents)

Facebook is for grandparents: What we need in a next-gen social network By Jonathan Saragossi, Sunday, 24 Nov ’13 , 10:25pm It’s time to move on. The feeling is becoming more and more significant with each passing day and it just keeps spreading. It’s just not it any more… we want something new, exciting, which …