Winslow Wheeler: The F-22, Toxic Stealth, Secrets Screw Sick…

Dina Rasor and Pierre Sprey have collaborated on an important and informative piece on the F-22.  It expands the publically available thinking about the nature of the toxicity problem facing F-22 pilots, and–just as importantly–it probes the nature of one of the prime suspects for the problem: the F-22’s “stealth” coating.  Note at the end of …

Mini-Me: Public So Alienated They Have Given Up on “The System”

Huh? Militia Groups The Problem:  The depth of hostility which divides the United States is clearly evident to any observer of the ongoing political campaigns. What’s more worrisome, however, is the possibility that this conflict could escalate beyond the violence threshold. In this context, the Southern Poverty Law Center’s recent report on “patriot” groups and …

David Swanson: Veterans for Peace Call for End to NATO

Veterans For Peace Calls for an End to NATO By Veterans For Peace Veterans for Peace works for the abolition of war, and while that process will take many steps, one that should be taken immediately is the dissolution of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. NATO has always been a war-making institution lacking in accountability …

Marcus Aurelius: US SOF Seeks Global SOF Network Including Regional Multinational Op-Intel Centers — What Regional Commands SHOULD Have Created

U.S. [SOF Commander] Seeks Global Spec Ops Network 1st ‘Node’ to Stand Up in ’13 Defense News, May 14, 2012, Pg. 1 By Barbara Opall-Rome AMMAN — U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM) wants to establish a worldwide network linking special operations forces (SOF) of allied and partner nations to combat terrorism. Championed by SOCOM commander …

David Swanson: Colin Powell’s Treason – Lest We Forget

Colin Powell’s Tangled Web “I get mad when bloggers accuse me of lying — of knowing the information was false. I didn’t.” — Colin Powell. Can you imagine having an opportunity to address the United Nations Security Council about a matter of great global importance, with all the world’s media watching, and using it to… …