Berto Jongman: Ray Kurzweil on Man-Machine Future

Inside the Kurzweil SXSW Keynote: On Infinite Mind Power, Robotic Overlords and Immortality He is one of the world’s most renowned futurists, and onstage at South By Southwest, Ray Kurzweil stirred debate with a speech that outlined the incredible role artificial intelligence will play in the future, as it reshapes humanity South By Southwest Interactive …

Michel Bauwens: Occupy as a Business Model

‘Occupy’ as a business model: The emerging open-source civilisation Aljazeera – Fri, 09 Mar 2012 21:24 GST Chiang Mai, Thailand – Last week I discussed the value crisis of contemporary capitalism: the broken feedback loop between the productive publics who create exponentially increasing use value, and those who capture this value through social media – …

DefDog: China Tries Real Name Registration Online

Real-Name Registration Threatens the Lively World of China’s Microblogs Tricia Wang and An Xiao Mina, 15 March 2012 The timeline on Sina Weibo, China’s popular Twitter-like service, is filled with pithy comments about “Beijing Fashion Week,” chronicling the comings and goings and sartorial choices of the elite. But the commenters aren’t fashionistas, and they …