4th Media: Rodrigue Tremblay – US Policy of Isolating Russia and Expanding NATO Is a Dismal Failure

US Policy of Isolating Russia and Expanding NATO Is a Dismal Failure Rodrogue Tremblay 4th Media, 8 March 2014 [NATO’s goal is] to keep the Russians out, the Americans in, and the Germans down. — Hastings Ismay, first NATO Secretary-General Of all the enemies to public liberty, war is perhaps the most to be dreaded …

Ted Shulman: The Future of Internet Alternatives

The Future of Internet Alternatives Derrick Broze BenSwann.com, 28 February 2014 In the wake of leaked documents detailing extensive, indiscriminate monitoring of the internet a number of solutions have appeared. These new alternatives to the traditional world wide web could completely alter the way we access information. But can they stop a nosy government? Is …

Richard Clarke: 10 Observations on US Intelligence Gathering – Robert Steele on What Clarke Does Not Mention

Richard Clarke at RSA Conference: 10 Observations on US Intelligence Gathering A veteran counter-terrorism advisor and Presidential Review Group member on Intelligence gives his executive summary I’m in San Francisco this week to attend the RSA security conference, and to cover the Cloud Security Alliance summit for security professionals. The CSA is a terrific organization, …

David Swanson: If DoD Is Not Defensive, What Is It?

If the Defense Department’s Not Defensive, What Would Be? Militarism has made us less safe, and continues to do so.  It is not a useful tool for protection. So, what is? Studies over the past century have found that nonviolent tools are more effective in resisting tyranny and oppression and resolving conflicts and achieving security than violence is. …