Robert Steele: #OWS Non-Violence versus Violence

Occupy Wall Street is at a delicate point both in the USA and overseas.  Despite its clear commitment to non-violence, police violence in the USA–and provocateur violence in Europe–are eroding the moral legitimacy of the Occupy Wall Street. 1)  Occupy Wall Street needs to maintain discipline, and both domestically and overseas, when provocateurs begin violence, …

#OWS Deputy Major Stops Confrontation Over Cleaning

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 14, 2011 STATEMENT OF DEPUTY MAYOR CAS HOLLOWAY ON BROOKFIELD PROPERTIES POSTPONING THEIR CLEANING OF ZUCCOTTI PARK ³Late last night, we received notice from the owners of Zuccotti Park ­Brookfield Properties ­ that they are postponing their scheduled cleaning of the park, and for the time being withdrawing their request …