SmartPlanet: Closer to Spray-On Solar Power for Windows

Startup New Energy Technologies says that it has made a significant advancement toward large-scale production of “spray on” solar power generating windows. New Energy debuted a prototype of its “SolarWindow” technology in 2010. It has been gradually moving toward commercialization ever since, and today announced improvements that it says will bring it closer to manufacturing …

Jon Rappoport: Media-School-Sock Puppet Cycle on Toy-Gun Propaganda

The toy-gun arrests use “actors” May 10, 2013 There are two ways to cast a movie. You bring in professional actors and have them read, or you go out and hire “real people” for the parts. The second way is sometimes used for the cameos. That’s the case with the completely insane arrests, school …

SmartPlanet: China Refusing to Take US Trash — US Government Not Noticing….

Why China isn’t taking American trash anymore By Tyler Falk | May 10, 2013 Quick, what’s the biggest U.S. export to China? Soybeans? Officially, yes, it’s the biggest single product. But combined, the U.S. exports more scrap and waste to China than any other single product — $11.31 billion in 2011. Growth of waste exports …

Rickard Falkving: USG Claims Ownership of CAD Files for Printable Weapons — Public Response? Har Har.

United States Government Shows The World It Doesn’t Understand The Internet, Claims “Ownership” Of Specific Files Infopolicy:  The United States Department of Defense has “claimed ownership” of CAD drawings of a plastic, printable pistol. In doing so, they apparently believe they can stop the files from existing. The result is obviously the complete opposite, which …

Jean Lievens: 3d BIoprinting — Fascinating and Frightening

Fascinating And Frightening Ways 3D Bioprinting Is The Next Big Thing In Medicine And Science #3dthursday 3D printing technology is taking off in the medical science community, especially in emerging methods known as “bioprinting.” Instead of inks, plastics and other artificial materials, science and medical labs use a patient’s actual living human cells to replicate …