NIGHTWATCH: Russian Military & Military Sales Strategy

Algeria-Russia: For the record. Russian President Medvedev and Algerian President Bouteflika signed a joint statement on 6 October for more coordination and communication between the two countries, Itar-Tass reported. The statement said the two countries’ heads of state will meet regularly and that their foreign ministers will hold at least one meeting a year. The …

Journal: US Strategy in Afghanistan Out of Balance

Added August 09, 2010  Op-Ed 2 Pages The concluding paragraph: Ultimately, then, the basic rationale of American strategy in Afghanistan is questionable. Certainly America cannot ignore that country as it did before September 11, 2001, and should continue supporting the national government and other Afghans opposed to the Taliban. But in strategy, balance is the …

Event: Rethinking US Grand Strategy & Foreign Policy

SCHEDULED SEMINARS | SEMINAR SPECIFICS |  QUESTIONS? The Rethinking Seminar Series produced by the Johns Hopkins University / Applied Physics Laboratory has been underway for six years. The Seminars  bring together distinguished speakers and interested professionals in free, informal discussions on a wide range of national security topics.  The seminars occur approximately monthly in Arlington, VA, near the Pentagon.  …

Reference: From the New Middle Ages to a New Dark Age–The Decline of the State and U.S. Strategy

Brief Synopsis Security and stability in the 21st century have little to do with traditional power politics, military conflict between states, and issues of grand strategy. Instead they revolve around the disruptive consequences of globalization, declining governance, inequality, urbanization, and nonstate violent actors. The author explores the implications of these issues for the United States. …