Chuck Spinney: Climate Warming Bottom Line + Global Warming @ PBI

The central fact is that there exists great uncertainty about the long-term dynamics of the global climate system.  This fact, however, is not reflected in the partisan positions of either side in the highly-charged political debate over climate change. The recently published IPCC report (AR5) raised a host of questions relating to how AR5 dealt …

Chuck Spinney: Risks of EU’s Blowing Up Ukraine on the Cheap

Included in this interesting essay about the situation in Ukraine is a useful reminder of how the West succumbed to the short-term temptations of triumphalism when Gorbachev ended the Cold War in the early 1990s. The Risks of the EU’s Geopolitics on the Cheap in Ukraine by Vadim Nikitin, Agence-Global Released: 09 Dec 2013 A …

Chuck Spinney: Staying in Afghanistan Is a Recipe for More Terrorism

Staying in Afghanistan Is a Recipe for More Terrorism Anthony W. Orlando – Huffington Post – 12/12/13 Barack Obama is daring the terrorists. He’s standing in their front yard. He’s calling them out. Of course, that’s not how it’s reported. “U.S. ‘nowhere near’ decision to pull all troops out of Afghanistan,” was the understated …

Chuck Spinney: ACLU Video Spoof of NSA as Santa Rocks the Internet — We Do Not Make This Stuff Up (Someone Else Does)

Watch and weep Dear Alison, When you think about it, Santa Claus and the NSA have a lot in common—both can tell when you’ve been sleeping and know when you’re awake… So our civil liberties elves here at the ACLU decided to make an NSA version of that classic holiday tune, “Santa Claus is Coming …

Chuck Spinney: A Reckless Disregard for Truth and Sanity – The Syrian Guns of August

A Reckless Disregard for Truth and Sanity The Syrian Guns of August by FRANKLIN C. SPINNEY, Counterpunch, December 1, 2013 Remember the thumping of Obama’s war drums for a US attack on Syria last August and September, including his spokesmen’s absurd invocations of Kosovo as a precedent for a limited cruise missile strike on Syria?  The …