SchwartzReport: Summary of US Decline, and Great News on Solar Energy

I think this analysis and the concept of framing it in a model called the Roosevelt Republic is very insightful. Decline and Fall: How American Society Unravelled GEORGE PACKER – The Guardian (U.K.) Here is an exciting new development where, once again, I couldn’t help but wonder, as I read it: what else could we …

Berto Jongman: How geospatial analytics is helping hunt the LRA and al-Shabaab

How geospatial analytics is helping hunt the LRA and al-Shabaab Liat Clark Wired UK, 24 June 2013 In May 2012 Caesar Acellam, a commander of the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) and military strategist for the extremist group’s leader Joseph Kony, was captured by the Ugandan army. The act appeared to be a coup for local …

Search: management, integration, and oversight of intelligence collection and covert action

Here is the original post of the document and our critique. Reference: Intelligence Community Directive (ICD) Number 300: Management, Integration, and Oversight of Intelligence Collection and Covert Action Since then the position of the ADDNI/OS has been abolished, the long-standing director of the OSC that did so much damage in his ignorance and arrogance has …

John Robb: Every Person Must be Considered a Potential Terrorist — Local to Global Education, News, and Social Media Must be Controlled (Satire)

Positive Control When something is very dangerous, like nuclear weapons, standard forms of protections and control methodologies aren’t sufficient. Something that potentially dangerous needs something more aggressive. In the military, that’s called positive control. Positive control is an active form of control where the dangerous item is under 24x7x365 monitoring, checking, patrolling, testing, etc. In …

Berto Jongman: US Security Clearance System — Wildly Dysfunctional

Here’s How Edward Snowden Got ‘Top Secret’ Clearance By DAVID FRANCIS, The Fiscal Times June 21, 2013 A Senate Homeland Security Subcommittee met Thursday afternoon to examine the government’s process for granting security clearance. The purpose of the meeting was to figure out how someone like Edward Snowden, the NSA leaker, could get access to …