Robert Steele: Clandestine Operations 101 + Personal Comment

Clandestine Operations 101 Here’s how to create a clandestine service that is not the laughing stock of the planet: 00  Stop confusing secure field operations with any need for access to official secrets.  The primary reason CIA is such a mess is the ascendance of security ignorance and myopia combined with sedentary overly fearful managers …

Patrick Meier: Advice to Future PhDs from 2 Unusual Graduating PhDs – Blog Twitter Hybrid Teach-Consult Dissertation Focus

Advice to Future PhDs from 2 Unusual Graduating PhDs Next week I will be attending my official graduation from The Fletcher School to receive my PhD diploma. It is—in a word—surreal. I’ve been working on my PhD for almost as long as I’ve known my good friend and colleague Chris Albon, which is to say, a …

Reference: Defense and Energy Deficit Reduction: $688 Billion

POGO Source Page, May 8, 2012 Wasteful Spending in the Department of Defense Budget Wasteful Spending on Nuclear Weapons Programs Service Contracts Conclusion Endnotes Americans are tightening their belts, and it’s time for the U.S. government to do the same. In light of the Budget Control Act of 2011 and the subsequent failure of the “Super Committee,” …

Patrick Meier: The KoBo Platform – Data Collection for Real Practitioners

The KoBo Platform: Data Collection for Real Practitioners I recently visited my alma mater, the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative (HHI), where I learned more about the free and open source KoBo ToolBox project that my colleagues Phuong Pham, Patrick Vinck and John Etherton have been working on. What really attracts me about KoBo, which means transfer in Acholi, …

Mini-Me: General Alexander Wants to Legislate “Critical Systems” IT Security

Huh? NSA’s Gen. Alexander: Companies Should Be Required To Fortify Networks Against Cyberattack By Ellen Nakashima Checkpoint Washington (, May 4, 2012 Gen. Keith Alexander, the head of the nation’s largest spy agency and its cyberwarfare command, is urging adoption of legislation to require companies providing critical services such as power and transportation to fortify …

Eagle: Temple Mormons By Definition, Cannot Swear an Oath to Uphold the Consitution — Prophet Ubber Alles

Romney: Why It’s OK to Stick It to Him for Being a Mormon Weekend Edition April 6-8, 2012 CounterPunch Diary by ALEXANDER COCKBURN Mitt Romney will be the Republican to face President Obama in the fall.  Tuesday night was the clincher, as the Mormon zealot won in Wisconsin, Maryland and Washington DC. He may stumble …

David Isenberg: Thomas Powers on Ike Eisenhower – He Got the Big Things Right

He Got the Big Things Right Thomas Powers New York Times, April 26, 2012 Eisenhower: The White House Years by Jim Newton Doubleday, 451 pp., $29.95 Eisenhower in War and Peace by Jean Edward Smith Random House, 950 pp., $40.00 Bettmann/Corbis When the youngest man to be elected president of the United States was inaugurated …