Journal: Markle Foundation Focuses on Lack of Information–We Focus on Lack of Integrity

Nation At Risk: Policy Makers Need Better Information to Protect the Country For all the nation has invested in national security in the last several years, we remain vulnerable to terrorist attack and emerging national security threats because we have not adequately improved our ability to know what we know about these threats. Phi Beta …

Journal: Loch Johnson on It’s Never a Quick Fix at the CIA

Professor Loch Johnson is one of two people who have served on both the Church Committee and the Aspin-Brown Commission.  The other is Britt Snider, Esquire. Today he examines the lack of integrity on the Hill, or totthless, inattentive oversight.  He does not address two factors that we comment on below the fold: 1.  There …

Journal: Afghanistan = Viet-Nam, National Security Council Remains “Like a Moron”

Saigon 2009 Afghanistan is today’s Vietnam. No question mark needed. BY THOMAS H. JOHNSON, M. CHRIS MASON AUGUST 20, 2009 For those who say that comparing the current war in Afghanistan to the Vietnam War is taking things too far, here’s a reality check: It’s not taking things far enough. From the origins of these …

Journal: Special Forces Collect, But Cannot Process

Phi Beta Iota: Tip of the Hat to Steven Aftergood and the Federation of American Scientists. “Ongoing SOF operations demonstrate the ability to collect significant amounts of pocket litter, hard copy documents, hard drives, cell phones, and other important hard copy and electronic media with significant intelligence value. However, without specialized expeditionary processing, this information …