Berto Jongman: Mexico Drug War a Huge Lie — New Book “Narcoland: The Mexican Drug Lorders and Their Godfathers”

‘Mexico’s war on drugs is one big lie’ Anabel Hernández, journalist and author, accuses the Mexican state of complicity with the cartels, and says the ‘war on drugs’ is a sham. She’s had headless animals left at her door and her family have been threatened by gunmen. Now her courageous bestseller, extracted below, is to …

Max Manwaring: Translating Lessons Learned in Colombia and Other Wars Among the People: Confronting the Spectrum of 21st Century Conflict

Translating Lessons Learned in Colombia and Other Wars Among the People: Confronting the Spectrum of 21st Century Conflict by Max G. Manwaring Translating Lessons Learned in Colombia and Other Wars Among the People: Confronting the Spectrum of 21st Century Conflict Small Wars Journal, 27 August 2013 Beyond Afghanistan, we must define our effort not as …

Review: On Complexity

Edgar Morin 7 Stars Life Transformative  Foundation Work for Everything Else This is a remarkably coherent book about the most important topic for all of us, the matter of complexity and more to the point, thinking about complexity. I certainly recommend it most strongly, along with two other books by the same author that I …

Cynthia McKinney: Support ReThink911!

Dear Friends and Fellow Supporters of ReThink911, I’m Cynthia McKinney—former U.S. Congresswoman, Green Party presidential nominee, and life-long social justice activist—and like you I have been watching in amazement at  ReThink911’s remarkable growth over the last two months. Take it from someone who has run for office nearly a dozen times—raising $225,000 for a campaign …

Tom Atlee: Surveillance and parasitism harm society’s collective intelligence

Surveillance and parasitism harm society’s collective intelligence What this post is about:  Society’s collective intelligence needs to be able to see clearly what’s going on and take action about it.  Both NSA surveillance and corporate suppression of activism interfere with that vital dynamic.  This post clarifies what’s going on in these dynamics and suggests strategies …

Winslow Wheeler: Purge the Generals to Fix the Army + Flag Corruption and Ineptitude RECAP

There is a devastating review of the quality of Army leadership at the new issue of Armed Forces Journal.  At Armed Forces Journal, it is an article by Army Lt. Col. Daniel Davis (“Purge the Generals”), and it merits the attention of anyone following military affairs, I believe.  If you think Army leadership is an island of …