Chuck Spinney: Toxic Alliance – Neo-Cons and “Responsibility to Protect” (R2P) War-mongers

This email continues the theme I introduced with How Obama’s Rhetoric Reinforces America’s Grand Strategic Pathway to Catastrophe. Attached beneath my introduction is an brilliant essay, The Dangerous Neocon-R2P Alliance, written by Robert Parry of Consortium News.  Parry describes how propaganda produced by this domestic alliance of convenience among a non-representative minority of unelected influence peddlers …

Rob Dover & Robert Steele: Intelligence and National Strategy? Rethinking Intelligence – Seven Barriers to Reform

PDF (15 Pages): Dover Steele PSA April 2014 Dover, R & Steele, RD (2014) Intelligence and National Strategy? Rethinking Intelligence: Seven Barriers to Reform, Paper presented the UK Political Studies Association Annual Conference, Manchester (14 Arpil 2014). ROBERT STEELE: An Open Source Agency would be helpful but I was naive to expect the US IC …

Robin Good: Content Curation Has Been Hijacked by Content Marketing Evil-Doers

Content Curation Has Been Hijacked by Content Marketing Curation adds value. Marketing does not add value. Many content curation startups, and many of the people using curation tools will probably not like what I have written in this article, but I have a hard time behaving as if I couldn’t see a cardboard façade that’s …

NIGHTWATCH: Russia & Crimea, Ukraine & the West

Ukraine: In the past two days, events moved quickly again; this time in Crimea. The first reports of separatist actions indicated armed men without identifying insignia seized the airport at Simferopol, the regional capital. Russian news reports said Russian soldiers seized the airport that serves Sevastopol, the location of the Russian navy base.