SchwartzReport: Religious Treason within US Military

This is what I mean by the Theocratic Right’s aggressive program to convert armed services personnel.  Lawrence Wilkerson is a retired United States Army colonel, and former chief of staff to United States Secretary of State Colin Powell. Wilkerson is an adjunct professor at the College of William & Mary where he teaches courses on …

Berto Jongman: Turk, Former CIA Agent, Claims Bin Laden Died in 2006, Guarded and Buried by Three Chechens, Dug Up for the Final Raid

Disinformation? Osama Bin Laden Died of Natural Causes According to Former CIA Agent A former agent of the CIA has revealed that al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden has died of natural causes five years before the US announced his death. Top Info Post May 6, 2013 In an interview with Russia’s Channel One, Berkan Yashar, …

Berto Jongman: YouTube Audio (48:10) Sibel Edmunds On Boston Bombing, CIA, and US Empire — US Buying Russian Okay on Invading Syria with Hands Off on Caucasus?

Extraordinary — virtually a monologue drawing on deep FBI knowledge of CIA false flag operations in Caucasus and Central Asia, ties in Turkish role for decades as CIA and NATO silent partner in false flag terrorism across Caucasus and Central Asia, with Graham Fuller, CIA’s man man “a despicable person” and the family of the  …

Henry Kissinger: “The illegal we do immediately; the unconstitutional takes a little longer.”

Macomber: That is illegal. Kissinger: Before the Freedom of Information Act, I used to say at meetings, “The illegal we do immediately; the unconstitutional takes a little longer.“ [laughter] But since the Freedom of Information Act, I’m afraid to say things like that. Date:1975 March 10, 00:00 (Monday) Canonical ID:P860114-1573_MC_b Read full cable. At Cryptome: …

Winslow Wheeler: GAO (A Legislative Entity) Plays Courtesan to Lockheed, DoD, and the Congressional Recipients of Lockheed Largesse + F-35 RECAP

DOD is circling the wagons to keep the F-35 propped up in the declining Pentagon budget.  Importantly, as noted by a prime Lockheed mouthpiece offering his thankfulness for it, GAO’s newest report on the F-35 offers a conclusion that the F-35 is on track for improvement–the data notwithstanding.  In point of fact, what the GAO conclusion …

Cheery Waves: Seven Stages to the Khilafah in 2020

Working Hypothesis – AQ and the Muslim Brotherhood Ayman al-Zawahiri, current head of AQ, was an instrumental figure of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad (EIJ), the armed wing of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood. Zawahiri was imprisoned following the assassination of Anwar Sadat.  He came to power within AQ following the death of Abdullah Yusuf Azzam (for …

Berto Jongman: Col James Steele, USA — Death Squads & Torture from El Salvador to Iraq — One of the “Boys” with Back Door Access to Rumsfeld

James Steele: America’s mystery man in Iraq – video (51:08) The Guardian, Wednesday 6 March 2013 A 15-month investigation by the Guardian and BBC Arabic reveals how retired US colonel James Steele, a veteran of American proxy wars in El Salvador and Nicaragua, played a key role in training and overseeing US-funded special police commandos …