Marcus Aurelius: False Embassy Threat a Preamble to War? + Syria Islam Divide Iran Nuclear Israeli Insanity RECAP Update 1.1 — More Prison Breaks?

The retired Marine colonel who cued me to this report opined that, “This is a hell of a lot closer to the mark than any Administration or DoS blathering.”  I would be totally unsurprised to find him 100% spot-on.  I invite your attention to the final para, highlighted.  If that is true, the (in)actions of …

Marcus Aurelius: Germany Ends Spying Pact with US & UK

Public flogging for US with German wet noodle.  Snowden’s fault. Germany ends Cold War spying pact with US, Britain By FRANK JORDANS AP, 2 August 2013 Germany canceled a Cold War-era surveillance pact with the United States and Britain on Friday in response to revelations by National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden about those countries’ …

Marcus Aurelius: CIA Cover-Up on Benghazi — Or John Brennan Forcing CIA Cover-Up on John Brennan and Benghazi?

(1) Saw this on CNN this afternoon; (2) through my own personal set of lenses, I see this as more likely than not to be true in virtually every detail.) Exclusive: Dozens of CIA operatives on the ground during Benghazi attack CNN has uncovered exclusive new information about what is allegedly happening at the CIA, …

Marcus Aurelius: Benghazi Testimony, Non-Disclosure, Rotten Communications

The shuffle continues. Retiring Marine colonel tells Congress he wasn’t involved in Benghazi response A retiring Marine colonel who commanded a special operations unit in Africa during the deadly 2012 attacks on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, told Congress on Wednesday that an elite four-man team under his command was kept in the …

Marcus Aurelius: Hagel Choosing Bad Platforms Over Good People

Looks as if SECDEF has identified the alternatives — humans or hardware– and has picked hardware. Hagel: Pentagon Must Choose Between People or Platforms WASHINGTON — The Pentagon might have to cancel many modernization programs over a decade-long period should mandatory federal spending caps remain in place over the next decade, US Defense Secretary Chuck …

Marcus Aurelius: Majority Staff Report on the National Network of Fusion Centers

Seriously suspect. 2013-07-30 House Majority Staff Report on Fusion Centers Phi Beta Iota:  This staff report avoids all the negatives and fluffs up many dubious positives.  The Joint Fusion Centers are a failure — and were called a failure before they were ever built.  There is no connection between what can be produced at the …

Marcus Aurelius: CIA Talent Gap Blamed on Management

Bad management drives talent from CIA, internal reports suggest Frustration with poor managers is costing the CIA some of its most talented staff, internal surveys and former officers say. By Ken Dilanian Los Angeles Times, July 29, 2013 WASHINGTON — For the Central Intelligence Agency, he was a catch: an American citizen who had grown …