Journal: Defense Theatrics & One-Two Star Flag Agonizing?

Worth a look….coincides with what Chuck Spinney has been saying. Defense Budget Debate: SAME OLD GAME: JUST NEW PLAYERS January 13, 2011 Harry C. Blaney III Rethinking National Security (Center for International Policy) Among the first security issues of the year is the release of information about China’s military capabilities and the recent release of the …

Building a Constituency for the Director of National Intelligence

Decision-support (intelligence) is the ultimate objective of information processes. One must carefully distinguish between data which is raw text, signal, or image; information which is collated data of generic interest; and intelligence which is information tailored to support a specific decision… Robert David Steele Vivas  On Intelligence (AFCEA, 2000) As noted in an earlier Journal …

Assessment of the Position of Director of National Intelligence

The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (9/11 Commission) was created to examine how the terrorist attacks of September 2001 could have occurred and what could be done to prevent future attacks.  Among other things the Commission recommended that there should be a National Intelligence Director who would have “two main areas …

Reference: Anthony Cordesman On Intelligence

QUESTION: Did Cordesman address intelligence in SALVAGING AMERICAN DEFENSE–The Challenge of Strategic Overstretch? ANSWER: Actually he did under “Challenge Seven” on inter-agency co-operation. In general his observations on inter-agency co-operation complement what you have often noted over the years. In this chapter he also has a scathing section called “The Impact of  New Intelligence Hierarchy” in which he notes …

Harnessing Collective Intelligence to Save Democracy

Harnessing Collective Intelligence to Save Democracy “The most durable and dangerous ‘special interest’ – the only one that can directly traduce the Constitution – is the political class.” George F. Will Robert David Steele (Vivas) has produced a significant, but short, political essay for the Huffington Post, titled, “Citizens Fiddle, Obama Dances.”   The central argument …