Paul Craig Roberts: IO Pulse for Thinking America – Don’t Vote for Evil in Any Form – Labor, Not Capital, Should Be the Center of Gravity

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His internet columns have attracted a worldwide following. Don’t Vote For Evil Back during the …

Michel Bauwens: Michael Klare on False Oil Boom and True Water Cost

THE BOOK:  Michael Klare, The Race for What’s Left: The Global Scramble for the World’s Last Resources (Metropolitan Books, 2012) THE ARTICLE:  The new “Golden Age of Oil” that wasn’t by Michael T. Klare Forecasts of Abundance Collide with Planetary Realities Last winter, fossil-fuel enthusiasts began trumpeting the dawn of a new “golden age of …

Chuck Spinney: Today’s Good News – Netanyahu Back in His Box (Temporarily)

  How Netanyahu’s bomb Iran ploy failed Netanyahu will no doubt campaign for re-election at home by demonising Iran as an “existential threat”, writes Porter. Gareth Porter, Al Jazeera, 4 October 2012 Dr Gareth Porter is an investigative journalist and historian specialising in US national security policy The rest of the world can stop worrying …

Paul Craig Roberts: Cynthia McKinney On Leadership

Cynthia McKinney On Leadership October 2, 2012 Those who have followed the Republican campaign for the presidential nomination and current contest between Romney and Obama know that the United States has no political leadership in Washington. Billions of dollars have been spent on political propaganda, but not a single important issue has been addressed. The …

Gold Transformer: Screw the 99% – Let’s Shift Inflation to Medical, Rent, Education, Food, and Communications – QE3 Of, By, and For the 1%

When it costs more to be poor – Fed and government shifting inflation onto rent, medical care, and food. QE3 to widen the gap between the poor and the wealthy. Inflation has been picking up since the recession ended in 2009.  The problem with the CPI increasing year over year with no rise in household …