Mini-Me: Afghanistan — Multi-Billion Dollar Abandonment — an Opportunity for Funding Peace After ISAF

Huh? Scrap Heap of War: Billions in equipment being left behind in Afghanistan How much “stuff” is the United States military leaving behind as it withdraws from Afghanistan after 12 years of war? Try some $6 billion worth. And much of it may yet end up in a junk pile. That includes 850 MRAPS (Mine-Resistant …

Review: Beyond Conflict – 20 Years of Putting Experience to Work for Peace

5.0 out of 5 stars Valuable, Substantive, Inspiring and a Bargain, February 24, 2014 I love this book. I received it as a gift and it is NOT “just a coffee table book.” This is a serious book, of very high quality in terms of both content and quality of construction. The photographs are superb, …

Event: 19-20 MAR 14 JMU Conference on Intelligence and the Transition from War to Peace

Conference on Intelligence and the Transition from War to Peace Registration is open for a 19-20 March 2014 conference at James Madison University in Harrisonburg, VA on “Intelligence and the Transition from War to Peace, A Multidisciplinary Assessment” examining declassified CIA documents on intelligence support to U.S. decision-making on Bosnia, 1992-1996. The conference—organized by Tim Walton–will include …

Rickard Falkvinge: Pirate Party Iceland & EU Nominate Manning & Snowden for Nobel Peace Prize

Pirate Party MPs, MEPs Jointly Nominate Snowden And Manning For Peace Prize Civil Liberties:  Edward Snowden and Chelsea Manning have been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize 2014 in a joint nomination by the Pirate MPs of Iceland and the Pirate MEPs of the European Parliament. “Manning gave us an insight into the brutal reality …

David Swanson: 31 Nations Declare Zone of Peace Across Caribbean, Central & South America

Heads of 31 Nations Declare a Zone of Peace, Commit to Uprooting Forever the Threat or Use of Force Proclamation of Latin America and Caribbean as a zone of peace (Original signed by the Heads of State and Governmenent of the Community of Latin American and Caribbeans States) The Heads of State and Government of …

Event: 31 MAY 14 Deadline for Proposals, 11-12 SEP 14 – Shaping Peace – Local Infrastructures and State Formation

Call for Papers: Shaping Peace – Local Infrastructures and State Formation Call for papers for our Third Annual Conference of the International Association for Peace and Conflict Studies and the ECPR Standing Group on Critical Peace and Conflict Studies (11-12 September 2014) at the Humanitarian and Conflict Response Institute (HCRI), University of Manchester