Marcus Aurelius: UK Cuts Military, Lacks Ability to Reconfigure – Huge Opportunity for NATO NNEC

Is this the future of America in the world — racing pell-mell after the UK using essentially the same strategy that the Brits say we condemn? If You Want To Be Obama’s Lieutenant, PM, You’ll Need Soldiers By Camilla Cavendish London Sunday Times, June 16, 2013, Pg. 21 On Friday the sonorous boom of the …

Marcus Aurelius: Reuel Marc-Gerecht on NSA High Cost – Low Return — Robert Steele Comments

The Costs And Benefits Of The NSA The data-collection debate we need to have is not about civil liberties. By Reuel Marc Gerecht Weekly Standard, June 24, 2013 Should Americans fear the possible abuse of the intercept power of the National Security Agency at Fort Meade, Maryland? Absolutely. In the midst of the unfolding scandal …

John Robb: The Implosion of the US National Security State

DATA Dystopia. The NSA Scandal and Beyond. In the last couple of weeks, we’ve gotten confirmation that what we’ve been assuming is true: The government is snooping on us.  They aren’t lightly snooping.  : They are gathering data on EVERYONE (inside and outside the US) simultaneously. Storing it in databases that will last forever, and …

Berto Jongman: NSA Puts Full Force of the Government Against A Poem Containing the Word Terror — We Do Not Make This Stuff Up!

Cryptogams & the NSA John Sifton is an attorney at Human Rights Watch. He worked in Afghanistan and Pakistan from 2001 to 2004 and was senior researcher on terrorism and counterterrorism from 2005 to 2007. He is currently the Asia Advocacy Director. The first thing I did after I heard about the highly classified NSA …

Eagle: Toward the Internet of Pro-Active Hand-Held Sensors

This new app turns iPhones into a handheld biosensor equivalent to $50,000 lab unit This portable biosensor is capable of detecting viruses, bacteria, proteins, toxins, and other specific modules, and takes just a few minutes to process, which could greatly speed up in-the-field assessments of issues as diverse as groundwater contamination, medical diagnostics, mapping the …

Jim Fetzer: Can the Ghost of JFK Save Obama, Call Out Papa Bush, & Expose Texas’Treason? + LBJ-Texas-CIA Assassination RECAP

JFK 50th: The keys to understanding his assassination On 22 November 2013, the Oswald Innocence Campaign will be hosting the premiere event to commemorate the 50th observance of the JFK assassination. Presenting cutting-edge research on the death of our 35th President that holds the keys to understanding what took place, it will feature some of …