Journal: Cognitive Dissonance, Military Suicides, and an Alternative Interpretation of the Fort Hood Deaths

For over many years now Phi Beta Iota has been emphasizing both the inappropriate secrecy and obscurity contrived for our dead and wounded, and the almost total black-out on both amputees (many of them multiple amputees) and suicides. We now know that Gulf I brought back over 250,000 disabled veterans, and that the toxic brew …

Journal: Chuck Spinney Sends–On Torture–While Obama Signs Law Blocking Release of Torture Photos

Shades of Abu Ghraib by Alistair Horne National Interest 10.27.2009 THE GRISLY subject of torture is back with us again, with fresh allegations of CIA misconduct. It is a subject which first came to occupy my thoughts when I was writing a book on the Algerian War, A Savage War of Peace, back in the …

Journal: US Lacks Basic Intelligence at the Top

New Study Reveals Connection Between Enforcing Immigration Laws and National Security Friday, October 30, 2009 By Penny Starr, Senior Staff Writer A new study by the conservative think tank Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) reveals the connection between enforcing immigration laws and national security – sometimes in chilling detail. Phi Beta Iota: It’s all connected. …