Patrick Meier: Trails of Digital Trustworthness

Trails of Trustworthiness in Real-Time Streams Real-time information channels like Twitter, Facebook and Google have created cascades of information that are becoming increasingly challenging to navigate. “Smart-filters” alone are not the solution since they won’t necessarily help us determine the quality and trustworthiness of the information we receive. I’ve been studying this challenge ever since the …

Robert Steele: McKinsey on Big Data & Internet of Things – Four Missing Perspectives

A May 2011 report from McKinsey, “Big data: The next frontier for innovation, competition, and productivity,” is assuredly worth reading. McKinsey Page with various download options While current commentaries, such as this February 2012 overview from The New York Times, “The Age of Big Data, focus on McKinsey’s emphasis on the explosion of data, the …

DefDog: $15 Billion for Cyber-Command, Zero for Actual Needs + Meta-RECAP

The myths behind the spending — disavowed by true subject-matter experts, manipulated by the military-industrial-congressional complex (MICC) to spend more on vaporware…. RSA Conference: On the Subject of Cyber War and Industrial Espionage Talk of an impending ‘Cyber Pearl Harbor’ is not an uncommon image evoked during discussions of cyber threats to the critical infrastructure …

Owl: Medical Ethics Extend Abortion Okay to Adults

Given all the murder we do via war, economic embargoes, subsidized drug trafficking, etcetera, there is a certain logic to this satirical piece. When do we get to euthanize the medical ethicists who say murdering newborn babies is good for society? Mike Adams NaturalNews, 2 March 2012 EXTRACT: “Lest you think this genocidal streak among …

Theophillis Goodyear: Internet, Undersea Cables, Africa, and Digital Remittances

Internet access has become a vital public interest. Cutting it off is almost like cutting off our air.  I can’t imagine mankind transcending all of the challenges we’re facing without the internet. It’s gone beyond being a luxury to being an absolute necessity for positive social transformation. Epic net outage in Africa as FOUR undersea …

Marcus Aurelius: Blurred Line Between Espionage and Truth – Prosecution of US Truth-Tellers Rampant + Secrecy RECAP

What does it say about a country when a) half of its defense and intelligence program is arguably fraud, waste, and abuse; and b) the only people charged with espionage are the whistle-blowers that are invariably truthful about this same fraud, waste, and abuse? Blurred Line Between Espionage and Truth David Carr New York Times, …