Jon Rappoport: The Attempt to Destroy the Individual

The attempt to destroy the individual by Jon Rappoport May 27, 2013 “What is finished is the idea that this great country is dedicated to the freedom and flourishing of every individual in it. It’s the individual that’s finished. It’s the single, solitary human being that’s finished. It’s every single one of you out …

Review: Ten Types of Innovation – The Discipline of Building Breakthroughs

Larry Keeley, Ryan Pikkl, Brian Quinn, Helen Walters 5.0 out of 5 stars  Deep, Broad, Structured, Fundamental Reference for Adult Students and Professionals, May 21, 2013 Another reviewer has laid out the book’s structure. This review builds on that one. I’ve been a fan of several innovation books, such as The Innovator’s Dilemma: When New …

References: NATO Transformation Process Documents — and Gaps + Peace from Above RECAP

Connected Forces Initiative (latest NATO HQ initiative, should prioritize future ACT work, currently under initial study) After 2014, NATO is expected to shift its emphasis from operational engagement to operational preparedness. This means NATO will need to remain capable of performing its core tasks – described in its Strategic Concept¹ – and of maintaining its …

Reflections on Alternative Command & Control and Four Transformation Forcing Concepts

I have been reflecting on the past twenty years, and the remarkable resistence of the US Intelligence Community, seemingly impervious to all manner of reform recommendations, be they presidential, congressional, or public.  Reform is not transformation.  This from Dr. Russell Ackoff, a pioneer in systems thinking and reflexive practice: Reformations and transformations are not the …

Jean Lievens: Digital World Increasing Access and Value of Old Content

The digital world is changing the value of media content Free of shelf-space limitations, the web’s ability to make ‘golden oldies’ accessible to everyone forever will force us to reassess the importance of ‘newness’ EXTRACT: So, in the not too distant future, “the newest” may not be the most attractive. It’s going to change the …

Parag Khanna: Rise of the Info-States

Edging toward the sweet spot of new-century governance Enter the info-state. The info-state – today one of a growing number of dynamic and entrepreneurial cities, city-states or small nations scattered around the world – governs as much through data as via democracy. Scholars have for decades appreciated political mutations that drive international competition and result …

Michelle Monk: Top Astrophysicist: “Aliens are Among Us and We Communicate”

Worth a look — mainstream media seems to be edging into public interest areas long repressed. Top Astrophysicist: “Aliens are Among Us and We Communicate” Let’s start by saying; I’m seeing more and more shifts going on within the media lately. I’m not saying that 90% of the media is not rubbish because it is, …