John Steiner: Tea Party & Occupy Finding Common Ground — Will They – And Independents and the Little Disenfranchised Parties – Converge in Time?

This morning I got this note from Co-Intelligence Institute board member Lyn Manju Bazzell, who lives in Ashland, a town in southern Oregon’s Rogue Valley: “A little news from the Rogue Valley:  went to a meeting with 200 people last night.  It was a panel of 2 Tea Party leaders and 2 Occupy leaders in …

Mini-Me: To Legalize Marijuana or Criminalize Government Misbehavior – That Is the Question

Huh? Hundreds Of Economists Agree Marijuana Legalization Could Save US Taxpayers $13.7 Billion Per Year (NaturalNews) Marijuana prohibition currently costs taxpayers billions of dollars a year to enforce, and it accomplishes little or nothing beneficial in terms of economic benefits. On the contrary, legalizing marijuana would not only save taxpayers billions of dollars a year in …

James Wall: Israel to Palestine is as Britain to Slavery – “Throw Their Dirty Little Ships Out of the Water” — Tide Turning Against Israeli Atrocities

Sunday, April 22nd, 2012 | Posted by Veterans Today “Throw Their Dirty, Filthy Ships Out of the Water!” Historical parallels are never exact. But it is not unusual for us to see moments from the past resonating with moments of the present. by James M Wall About the author: James M. Wall is currently a Contributing …

Jon Lebkowsky: Google News Boss on Trends in Online Access — Intelligence Producers Could Learn…

Richard Gingras at the International Symposium on Online Journalism The leader of Google News gave an insightful talk about the current state of online journalism. Here are my tweets during his keynote. Appreciated his visionary thinking about the state and future of news, especially the extent to which the concept of a “news story” is …

Yoda: Real-Time Crowd-Sourcing + Twitter Meta-RECAP

How to Perfect Real-Time Crowdsourcing The new techniques behind instant crowdsourcing makes human intelligence available on demand for the first time. One of the great goals of computer science is to embed human-like intelligence in common applications like image processing, robotic control and so on. Until recently the focus has been to develop an artificial …

Gordon Duff: Colombian Hooker Demands $800, Lives to Talk About It UPDATE 3

UPDATE 3:  Brother Duff’s provocative speculation aside, this looks more and more like a four-way goat-fest.  1)  Idiot prostitute tried for $800 instead of the customary $60-80.  2)  Secret Service cherub lost it.  3)  Colombian police were not at all cool.  4)  CIA fixer was asleep.  Journalists are after the Secret Service “racist bitch” that …

Patrick Meier: Filtering Tweets Real-Time for Crisis Response

Twitcident: Filtering Tweets in Real-Time for Crisis Response by Patrick Meier The most recent newcomer to the “tweetsourcing” space comes to us from Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands. Twitcident is a web-based filtering system that extracts crisis information from Twitter in real-time to support emergency response efforts. Dutch emergency services have been testing the …