Worth a Look: Momentum Crowdsourcing for Open Source Intelligence

MOMENTUM: REAL OPEN SOURCE INTELLIGENCE Here’s a short essay on a new software tool my team built called Momentum. It does something pretty unusual and worthy of note.  It uses crowdsourcing (by leveraging the work of 500 million users on global social networks) to make open source intelligence gathering easy.* ___________________ Here are some real …

The Antonio Pizzigati Prize For Software in the Public Interest

Established in 2006, the Antonio Pizzigati Prize for Software in the Public Interest annually awards $10,000 to a software developer who adds significant value to the nonprofit sector and movements for social change. The Pizzigati Prize honors the brief life of Tony Pizzigati, an early advocate of open source computing. Our Mission Software developers who …

Journal: Microsoft’s Ozzie Memo Urges ‘Post-PC’ Devices, Services

Microsoft’s Ozzie Memo Urges ‘Post-PC’ Devices, Services By: Mark Hachman PCMAG.COM 10.25.2010 In a memo, Microsoft executive Ray Ozzie warned that the industry is moving to a post-PC world, and warned Microsoft employees that they must either lead or be pushed aside. The memo, entitled “Dawn of a New Day,” was dated Oct 28 and …