Berto Jongman: #GoogleGestapo Big Data For the People
Big data for the people: it’s time to take it back from our tech overlords With digitization, capitalism starts to eat reality itself. It begins to consume moments
Big data for the people: it’s time to take it back from our tech overlords With digitization, capitalism starts to eat reality itself. It begins to consume moments
Weighing Open Source’s Worth for the Future of Big Data “If you’re trying to overcome a technology like relational databases, which have been developed over decades and had gestation from every major university in the world that does computer science research, it takes a long time to climb that hill,” Kreps says. “What’s very different …
The Worlds Wealthiest People Should Fear Big Data One of the strengths that the planets elite and wealthy have is secrecy. In most cases, average folks and media don’t know where big money is stored or how it is acquired. However, that recently changed for The Queen of England, several Trump cabinet members, and other …
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Big Data Analysis As published in European Data Protection Law Review, Vol 3 (2017), pp. 13-15. My experience in working with Big Data over the last 40 plus years involves data produced by communications or transactions between people, not machines talking to other machines or themselves, or machines taking measurements.
THE WAY AHEAD IN BIG DATA EXPLOITATION: LAWFUL ELECTRONIC SURVEILLANCE When contemplating next steps in the discussion about the collection and monitoring of electronic data (both content and metadata), we are obligated to look to two areas of knowledge for guidance – the law and technology. How can these two areas come together to provide …
Voice Search and Big Data: Defining Technologies for 2017 I read “Voice Search and Data: The Two Trends That Will Shape Online Marketing in 2017.” If the story is accurate, figuring out what people say and making sense of data (lots of data) will create new opportunities for innovators. The article states: Advancements in voice …
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Big Data Requires More Than STEM Skills It will require training Canada’s youth in design and the arts, as well as STEM subjects if that country is to excel in today’s big-data world. That is the advice of trio of academic researchers in that country, Patricio Davila, Sara Diamond, and Steve Szigeti, who declare, “There’s …
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