Bojan Radej: Beware (and Embrace) the Irrational

Beware the irrational! Bojan Radej, Network of Balkan Evaluators & Slovenian Evaluation Society, November 2013 Everybody has heard of Pythagoreans already in early school years. These ancient Greek hippies discovered delightful geometric rules, such as the one concerning the right-angled triangle: how Ms. Hypotenuse squares with two clashed brothers from the Sides family. Their discovery …

Bojan Radej: Divided We Stand — Integration as Triad

Divided we stand Abstract: For Durkheim, the society integrates as dual, separately in a mechanical and in organic way. The first individuals in their interactions habituate new local rules which integrate society in its specific issues in a bottom-up direction. When new rules are institutionalisded and enforced for all, they feed back as mechanical restriction …

Theophillis Goodyear: The Second Enlightment Emergent Now — Comment by Bojan Radej

The Second Enlightenment Has Emerged: We Should Call It What It Is Have you ever noticed that there’s no convenient, sufficient, or satisfying way to pull all the threads together of all the inter-related branches of wisdom that we’re always talking about? despite the fact that they all seem to be part of the same …

Bojan Radej: Divided we stand

Divided we stand Abstract: Societies have been increasingly disintegrating, despite improving prerequisites for social integration. For Durkheim, the society integrates in a mechanical and in an organic way. Individuals in their interactions gradually habituate new rules. These are institutionalised into system structures and so integrate society mechanically from the bottom up. When new rules are …

Bojan Radej: Complex Society in the Radical Middle

Complex Society in the Radical Middle Long Abstract – English Complex Society in Radical Middle (December 2012), Bojan Radej*, Mojca Golobič**, Mirna Macur***. University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Department for Landscape Planning, 240 pp. EXTRACT Society is complex because it is composed of irreconcilable constituents. As a consequence, every important social issue is evaluated conflictingly …

Bojan Radej: German Government Screws Up Open Data

German government screws up open data OpenGov Germany, 4 February 2013 Last year, the German government commissioned a fairly extensive study (Link) on open data, and started preparations for an open government data portal. The open data community felt somewhat relieved. After all, lobbying for more open government in Germany, the cradle of prussian bureaucracy, …