Yoda: Hundreds Protest FCC Dismissal of Net Neutrality

Neutrality not… Hundreds protest outside FCC net neutrality hearing One activist calls FCC’s proposal “a nail in the coffin” for American innovation. WASHINGTON, DC—As the Federal Communications Commission was considering new net neutrality rules, hundreds of protesters gathered outside the meeting Thursday morning to protest FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler’s proposal. Advocacy organizations like Free Press argued that …

Berto Jongman: Mozilla Idea for FCC to Keep Net Neutrality – Reclassify ISP as Remote Service Providers

Mozilla proposes fix to keep net neutrality Joan McCarter Daily Kos, 5 May 2014 Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler has been reacting to the backlash against his proposal to gut net neutrality with a lot of excuses for why he’s ready to give the internet away to the big service providers, despite the fact that …

Berto Jongman: Net Neutrality — Guide to and History of a Contested Idea

Net Neutrality: A Guide to (and History of) a Contested Idea If net neutrality is so important, why is it so controversial? It’s complicated. Alexis C. Madrigal and Adrienne LaFrance Apr 25 2014 EXTRACT But this debate isn’t just about the specific wording of the possible FCC rules (though those are important). People have been talking …

Jean Lievens: Net Neutrality — Government Betraying the Public Trust?

Net neutrality: Is the Internet about to change? The FCC has applied ‘neutrality’ to its oversight of the Internet: Everyone’s data reaches the same audience in the same way. But the Internet’s gatekeepers, such as Verizon and Comcast, have been trying to reshape the federal regulatory landscape. The executive summary of the Federal Communications Commission‘s …

Berto Jongman: End of Net Neutrality? 1.3

INTERNET: animation about the end of net neutrality INTERNET: apocalypse? INTERNET: Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications on net neutrality INTERNET: goodbye net neutrality INTERNET: net neutrality endangered INTERNET: net neturality is not totally lost INTERNET: possible implications of ending net neutrality (Sorcha Faal)