Robert Steele: Ghani Wins by 6% or More — 5,000 Mullahs for Ghani, Karzai Frantically Trying to Deal, Abdullah Promising Millions (But Out of Cash), with Pakistan Destabilizing to Stave Off Durand Line Challenge by Afghanistan

SUMMARY OF VARIED OPEN SOURCES: There is a Pashtun Storm brewing. For months Karzai has been frantically trying to deal away the run-off, thus acknowledging that Ghani has won the Presidency. Karzai is trying to place Abdullah as Prime Minister (which has always been Abdullah’s only realistic goal as a 100% Tajik minority) and claim …

Neal Rauhauser: Fire & Ice — Arctic Melts, Forest Fires, and an India-Pakistan Worst Case Scenario

Fire & Ice The two biggest melts for Greenland were in 1889 and 2012. We didn’t know why the entire surface of Greenland turned to slush in a 96 hour period back when it happened, but now we know it was warm, ash laden air and that a similar event happened in 1889. This is …

NIGHTWATCH: Polio Re-Emergent, Pakistan Central, CIA Partly to Blame

Pakistan: The World Health Organization (WHO) said today that Pakistan’s failure to stem the spread of polio has triggered a global health emergency. The WHO is recommending all residents must show proof of vaccination before they can leave the country and should present a polio vaccination certificate. The WHO’s emergency measures also apply to Syria …

BREAKING: Amazon Kindle Hijacked — Now a Spam Factory Based in Pakistan and India

For the past several months I have been spammed by a variety of authors who have been at best indiscriminate and at worst offensive spam. Most of them are using lists of top Amazon reviewers that are being indiscriminately and probably illegally circulated by book clubs as well as spammer networks. On further investigation I …

NIGHTWATCH: Pakistan-Saudi Arabia Military Pact — Implications for China, India, Iran, And All Others

Pakistan – Saudi Arabia: The initial features of a bilateral strategic security and defense agreement between Pakistan and Saudi Arabia have been agreed upon, according to unconfirmed sources. Under the agreement, Pakistan reportedly will provide all possible support to the Saudi army for defense of Saudi soil in any case of foreign aggression. Rumors in …

Berto Jongman: Pakistan Outs Three CIA Chiefs in Three Years… + CIA Cover Incompetence RECAP

Pakistan Outs Three US CIA Station Chiefs in Three Years Corporate Media Keeps US Citizens in the Dark by DAVE LINDORFF Counterpunch, Weekend Edition December 20-22, 2013 For the third time in three years, a CIA station chief has been outed in Pakistan, a country where the CIA is running one of its largest covert …

4th Media: Saudi Arabian-Pakistani-White House Complicity in 9/11 Exposed — Redacted Pages of 9/11 Joint Congressional Committee Inquiry Now Public

Last week, Congressmen Walter Jones and Stephen Lynch introduced a resolution urging President Obama to declassify the legendary “28 redacted pages of the Joint Intelligence Committee Inquiry of 9/11” issued in late 2002, which point to official Saudi involvement in 9/11. After much lobbying, and under an oath of secrecy, Jones was allowed to read …