Richard Wright: Secret Intelligence Cloud, Charlie Allen’s Warning, Comment by Robert Steele

This piece quotes Charlie extensively and generally he is supportive of the concept, but noted that it would require strong leadership from the DCI and that a new “business model” for intelligence would be needed.  He warned that: “Specifically, the data connectivity requirements will be huge, Allen said. The intelligence community already has a prodigious …

Richard Wright: Proposal for an Open Source Agency

Document (5 Pages): Richard Wright Proposal for an Open Source Agency Proposal for an Open Source Agency Executive Summary This proposal argues that the strategic intelligence needs of U.S. Policy Makers, including the President and National Security Council, can best be met by establishing an independent Open Source Intelligence Agency (OSA) as recommended by the …

Richard Wright: Michael R. Davidson, CIA DO SIS (Ret), Comments on Steele & OSINT with Steele Response 2.1

UPDATE 2 Dec 2012:  Wright update, Steele update, at end of original post. As received: On the Linkedin Group, “Intelligence and Security”, a member started a discussion on open source intelligence using a quote from your [forthcoming chapter], “The Craft of Intelligence.” Davidson (a self proclaimed “former CIA Senior Intelligence Officer”) made such a wildly ignorant …

Richard Wright: Petraeus A Political Execution – Bad for CIA – Vickers (or O’Sullivan, of the Clapper harem)?

The story line that General Petraeus is being forced to resign because the FBI uncovered an affair he was having with his former biographer is classic Washington DC theater. The story is a way of removing the politically popular General Petraeus from CIA without raising a political uproar. The real question is why? This is …

Richard Wright: Jim Clapper Speaks to Excessive Dependence on Technical Intelligence, and the Evident Non-Existence of Human Intelligence in the Middle East

Escaping Excessive Dependence on Technical Intelligence Speaking at the GEOINT 2012 Symposium (09 October), Director of National Intelligence (DNI) General James Clapper (USAF ret.) argued that the attack that killed U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other U.S. citizens in Benghazi, Libya caught the U.S. by surprise because the attacks did not “emit or discuss …

Richard Wright: General Mike Flynn – Taking the Helm of a Rudderless Agency Also Lacking an Engine with Comment by Robert Steele and Follow-On Comment from Richard Wright

Taking the Helm of a Rudderless Agency Also Lacking an Engine The Public Intelligence Blog (Phi Beta) has published a report on a speech delivered by Lt. General Michael Flynn (U.S.A.) the newly appointed Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) in September 2012. The speech was delivered to an audience at Fort Huachuca, Arizona, …

Richard Wright: Intelligence with Integrity – Not in Our Lifetime – Plus Steele on Soft Landing

Responding to David Isenberg: Intelligence On Demand in a Mobile Device – Hardy Har Har Choke Cough Gag Robert, Your comments are absolutely correct. Here are some supplemental thoughts on this: The use of mobile devices to provide intelligence to policy makers is a very superficial concept that ignores the more important question of content. …